Shout out from one happy member of the WHO DAT NATION!!!!

Jan 25, 2010 10:32

Oh. My. Freaking. GOD!!!

The New Orleans Saints...the team that couldn't catch a break or too many off to the freaking super bowl!!!!!

Last night, as I knelt on the floor before the TV, praying like i've never prayed before in my life, I watched that football sail through the uprights.  And it was GOOD!!!

There was a collective celebration around the state of Louisiana. Fireworks going off, people running into the street embracing, people calling one another, and families realizing something that they’ve waited on for 43 years had finally happened.

And yet, in true Louisiana style, most of us gave the first shout out to those family members and friends who were NOT here to see the game.  Or who didn’t get to experience it like they should have.  My grandfather…who loved the saints and passed away decades ago.  We called my grandmother, who is going blind due to macular degeneration, and talked to her.  She’s been waiting for this to happen her entire life.  She watched it from the corner of her eye.  92 years old and weeping because the moment she thought that she would NEVER see just happened.  When my Dad was growing up, they had season tickets to the Saints games back at Tulane Stadium.  In ’75 they switched to the Dome and members of our family was STILL in those same seats last night cheering on our boys in the black and gold.

I jumped on my brother and hung on him.  My mother started crying and joined our hug.  My father sat in shock in his chair.

I don’t know if anyone who’s NOT from Louisiana can understand what this meant to us. As a people.  As a state.  As a team.  After everything that we’ve been through…after everything that we’ve come up against…it’s finally happened.  The Saints are going to the super bowl.  AND they had a winning season.  AND our quarterback is the best in the league.  AND we had 8 guys who SHOULD be playing the pro-bowl but will not since we’re going to the FREAKING SUPER BOWL.  I can’t say it enough.  The lines around every Academy in the state were hundreds long last night at 11pm when they opened to start selling the NFC Championship shirts.

What a joyous, glorious day it is here in Louisiana.  How amazing.  How uplifting.

I’m feeling just like the shirt I’m wearing:  Our city.  Our home.  FINISH STRONG.



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