Title: Meet Me Under the Mistletoe
country_whoRating: G
Characters: Rose/Ten2
Genre: Fluff (Hee! This might be the first fluffy fic that I'm happy with.)
Summary: The Doctor's left Rose a note to find early in the morning.
Author's Note: Inspired by:
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Randy Travis Rose was wrapped in the warmth of her bed; a low hum of music filled her ears as a subtle melody hushing her thoughts and dreams filled her sleep. Everything was so perfect and yet something was missing. Furrowing her brow, Rose reached out a hand and felt the empty place beside her, but she was too tired to register it any further.
Instead, she wrapped her arms around his pillow and filled her lungs with his scent.
Time wasn’t registering for Rose, but she was pretty sure that she had only just slipped into bed when her alarm clock began its reverie.
“I thought I shut that off,” Rose groaned, as she reached her hand out and slapped it down on the snooze button. She prepared herself to snuggle back into the warmth of her covers, and would have, if a stick note hadn’t attached itself to her hand.
Shaking her head, Rose flicked on her bedside lamped and assumed the Doctor was being weird (when wasn’t he?). After rubbing the spots out of her eyes from the sudden light, she read the note scrawled in the Doctor’s elegant handwriting.
Meet me under the mistletoe…
Glancing at the clock, Rose noted the time: 11:56. In four minutes it would be Christmas. A few hours after that, the kids (having inherited their father’s habit of sleeping only for pleasure) would be bolting down the stairs, and she wondered if it would be against the Christmas spirit to strangle him.
Her bare feet clicked on the wooden steps as she rubbed her eyes again and spoke before she turned into the family room.
“Doctor, what are you…” her voice slurred slightly as she spoke, but her words were cut off by the sight in front of her. The Doctor was standing in front of a roaring fire; the fairy lights twinkled on the tree and soft music played from a stereo at his feet. Candles flickered as well, their glow illuminating the Doctor’s face and casting shadows across his angular features. He beamed at her and crossed the room in two light bounds and caught her in his arms.
Before Rose knew it, they were swaying to the gentle rhythm of the song on the radio. The Doctor’s feet gently guiding her across the floor. His arms snaked themselves around her waist and pulled her closely against his chest.
“Did you get my note?” he murmured in her ear.
“Mhm,” Rose replied, her bliss taking over her ability to say anything else.
“What do you think?”
“I don’t wanna think; I wanna be here, with you, just…like…this,” Rose’s words drifted off and her breathing steadied.
“Well, Rose Tyler, I think tradition might call for something else to take place,” the Doctor whispered in her ear, as he drew back and grinned widely at her. “Look up.”
Rose complied and a small green plant filled her vision from where it hung off of a large clock, with ten seconds to midnight and counting down. Before she could say anything else, the Doctor bent down, gathered his wife in his arms and kissed her deeply as the clock struck midnight.
Your sweet kiss is the first gift I’d like to receive.