The Empire of the Wolf (4/?)

Dec 04, 2011 13:53

Title: The Empire of the Wolf
Author: country_who
Warnings: Mild-Violence
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Action
Characters: Captain Jack, The Doctor (10), Rose
Pairing: Mild Ten/Rose
Summary: The Empire of the Wolf has finally risen.
Author's Note: Prompted by timelord1
Author's Note 2: Umm, I no longer know if it's going to be exactly 6 chapters anymore because I lost the paper I was planning everything out on and I'm writing blind, so here's hoping.
Author's Note 3: I really like the idea of Ten, Rose, and Jack together, so I might start writing a series for them. Let me know what you think. :) 

Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4

The Doctor had administered a strong sedative into Jack’s arm when they had finally gotten back to the TARDIS and into the med-bay. Relief was evident on Jack’s face, from where he lay on one of the flat beds. Rose was quietly standing next to him, while she quietly watched over him, swapping between counting his breaths and blaming herself.

Drawing out a syringe, the Doctor gently nudged Rose out of the way and began to roll up the sleeve of Jack’s coat. Tying an elastic band around Just bicep just above his vein, the Doctor made the vein pop out and slowly began to draw several vials full of the dark red-almost black-blood from his friend. Jack groaned slightly as the sedative wore off faster than either the Doctor or Rose had anticipated.

Jack swallowed against the dryness in his throat squeezing his eyes shut against the axe currently burying itself in his temple. As he came further into consciousness, he noticed the slight sting in his left arm and looked to see a small stream of his own blood slowly filling a glass tube.

Panicking, Jack jumped up and moved to get away, but a calm hand on his shoulder stopped him. He glanced in its direction and saw Rose smiling down at him. Her hazel eyes were watching his every move with concern that she would not voice.

“Welcome back to the living,” another voice rang through Jack’s still cloudy mind. “I’m almost done here.”
Lifting his right arm, Jack rubbed his eyes and winced as the Doctor withdrew the needled and capped the final vial of blood.

“Rose?” the Doctor asked, turning to her. “Would you been so kind as to care for Mr. Harkness while I go and run some tests?”

“Yes, Doctah,” Rose replied enunciating his name with her south London accent good humouredly, and pressing a cotton swap against Jack’s arm and tapped a band-aid over it.

The Doctor gave her a wide grin, as he slipped on his glasses and a vial up to the light coming from the ceiling. He squinted in concentration.

“I, as a doctor, concur that this is definitely blood, and you are not running on some fifty-first century form of an alcoholic beverage,” the Doctor said, as he slipped off his glasses and gave the Captain a mock conspiratorial stare. “I told Rose, but she wouldn’t believe me.”

Jack smirked and gave the Doctor a grimace. “Will you make it so I do, Doc? My head’s killin’ me.”

The Doctor’s eyes softened.

“I’ll give you something for it once I ready these tests,” the Doctor replied, as he motioned to the hallway outside of the med-bay. “Try to rest until then.”

Jack nodded, as the Doctor left. He turned his attention to Rose and smiled.

“Hey there,” Jack said with a wink. “Come here often?”

Rose rolled her eyes and gave a small chuckle.

“The Doctor said you needed rest,” Rose pointed out.

Jack gave her a wounded stare. “Am I or am I not lying on my back?”

“Yes, but…” Rose started.

“But, nothing,” Jack retorted. “’Sides, I’m not gonna get any sleep until the Doctor does something for this splitting headache.” Jack raised his hand to rub the back of his neck, but stopped as he caught sight of it and Rose gasped.

Jack blinked a couple times trying to focus on the sight in front of him. But, soon he confirmed it; his hand was covered in a thick hair. It was beginning to develop a greasy sheen on it and his nails were beginning to take on a dark hue.

“Oh my gosh, Jack,” Rose gasped, as she began to study his hand in hers. “I’ll get the Doctor.”

Rose began to get up, but Jack caught her arm. The kindness in his eyes gone, and a fiery furry replaced their blue depths. His face was beginning to change and alter as his nose turned into an elongated snout and his eyes turned into thick pulls of amber.

“No!” Jack shouted savagely, his grip tightening around her shoulder. “You, Rose Tyler! You did this to me, and you will…will…” Jack’s grip lightened and he began to weep. “Rose…I…I can’t control it. Run get the Doctor….Make him…End it…I don’t want…”

Jack’s words were cut off as a scream overwhelmed him.

“Go!” he shouted at her, as he tumbled to the floor onto all fours and began to shake manically.

“We’re gonna save you Jack, I promise,” Rose told him, as she knelt on the floor beside him, placing her hand on his shoulder and gently pressing a chaste, friend-to-friend kiss into where his human forehead once was.

Rose got to her feet as the transformation seemed to accelerate as she bolted out of the room. She mentally begged the TARDIS to secure the door behind her and to make the room safe, so Jack could not hurt himself.


The Doctor stood in his lab, pressing key commands into his computer at a lightning speed and scanning the readout as he did so. Eventually, he stopped typing and turned his attention to the blood currently bubbling in a beaker and another being run back and forth through a tube.

Sighing, the Doctor pulled off his glasses and rubbed his eyes in frustration. The least complicated of the tests would take at least an hour and the other three would take over three. The TARDIS hummed her concern and the Doctor responded with the mental equivalent of shrugging her off.

“I don’t have time for your sympathy,” he muttered to his ship, but he shot to his feet when he heard a banging from his lab door. Pushing the sequence he programmed into the computer, the door opened and a much frazzled Rose practically fell through the door.

“Hello,” the Doctor answered brightly as he flashed her a grin, seemingly oblivious to her anxiety. “What brings you in here?”
Rose got straight to business. “Doctor, it’s Jack, he’s started transforming again.”

The Doctor’s eyes grew wide with shock, and he turned his attention to the ceiling for a second. The TARDIS hummed an ‘I told you so,’ while she assured him that she had made sure the med-bay was secured and anything dangerous locked away.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the Doctor grabbed Rose’s hand and ran to the med-bay doors. Peering through the windows, the Doctor saw a large wolf pacing back and forth around the tiled floors of the med-bay, while a low growl escaped the room. There was a fierceness in the sound, but the Doctor could see that the creature before them felt more lost that angry.

The Doctor placed his hand on the door before turning to Rose.

“Stay here,” the Doctor told her, as he raised a finger in her direction. “Do not under any circumstances open that door and come after me. Understood?”

Rose nodded.

“Promise me Rose,” the Doctor said raising his voice slightly. “We might have already lost Jack, but I don’t want to lose you too.”

“I promise, Doctor,” Rose whispered, as she took in his face, memorizing every dip and sharp edge in it.

“Good,” the Doctor said, as he opened his mouth to say something else, but instead he smiled and gave her a hug, as he opened the door into the med-bay. His sonic in his hand as he hoped he got the settings right.

doctor, jack, doctor who, the doctor, rose, the empire of the wolf

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