The Empire of the Wolf (2/6)

Oct 30, 2011 16:44

Title: The Empire of the Wolf
Author: country_who
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Action
Characters: Captain Jack, The Doctor (10), Rose,Pairing: Mild Ten/Rose
Summary: The Empire of the Wolf has finally risen.
Author's Note: Prompted by timelord1

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

The Doctor and Jack walked down the futuristic streets of London; while Rose trailed behind slightly. She was awestruck by how much the city had changed since the last time she and the Doctor had visited. But, something was eating at her, something was wrong with the city she had grown up in, and she could feel it.

The air bit shrewdly around them, and Rose shoved her hands into her jeans pockets in a desperate attempt to warm them.

‘Why couldn’t the Doctor land somewhere warm for once?’ Rose thought to herself. “Or at least give fair warning as to how to dress.” She muttered aloud.

“What was that, Rose?” the Doctor asked, whirling around and walking backwards to face her.

“Oh, nothing, just that the weather is really nice,” Rose said sarcastically.

The Doctor perked up and flashed her his widest grin.

“It is, isn’t it?” the Doctor said with a grin.

Jack rolled his eyes from his spot in the front of the group.

‘Clueless,” he thought to himself with a smug grin.

Slowing his pace, Jack fell into step beside Rose and reached to put an arm around her shoulders. It was a totally innocent move to help
keep a pretty lady…erm…a pleasant girl warm. Jack glanced up in time to see the Doctor shooting him daggers. Quickly, Jack extracted his
hand and scratched behind his head.

‘Not so clueless then,’ Jack admonished himself. He should have known that even with a new face, the Doctor was still fiercely protective of his Rose.

“So, Jack,” the Doctor started, picking up his pace and forcing Jack to meet his stride and distance himself from Rose. “What made you hope on to my TARDIS like that?”

The Doctor lightly stressed the word, just enough to let Jack know that the Doctor was not happy with how Jack had treated both of his loves. Jack swallowed past a slight dryness in his throat, but kept his voice firm and level.

“I wanted to find you two again,” Jack told him, his emotional eyes blazing. “You left me.” Jack paused for a moment, as he watched his friends eyes turn to the ground in sorrow. Jack forced his voice to calm down, stopping and putting an arm on the Doctor’s shoulder, to force him to stop and look into his eyes. “And now I needed to know why, because I know you Doctor and you may have abandoned loads of companions in your life, but you always have a reason…I promise that I will accept it, no matter how stupid it may sound to me or you or

The Doctor lifted his head to see Jack’s blue eyes reflecting his own brown ones back at him.

“…I’ll forgive you for anything, Doc,” Jack told him earnestly.

The Doctor nodded slowly, still staring into Jack’s eyes, but in feeling his head start to go a bit wibby, he stopped.

“You’re wrong,” the Doctor told him. “Flat wrong, you shouldn’t exist, and it scares me.”

Jack opened his mouth to speak, but the Doctor help up a hand to silence him.

“It’s not you personally, it’s you being fixed. I’m a Time Lord, It’s my instinct to avoid you, it’s in my guts, fixed points are dangerous and can hurt you, and yet…”

The Doctor trailed off not finding the right words.

“And, what else Doctor?” Jack prompted.

The Doctor shook his head and lifted his gaze back into Jack’s, ignoring the dizziness that tried to cloud his thoughts.

“I know you never would,” the Doctor finished, not knowing and not willing to guess how Jack would react to him telling him he was wrong.

Jack’s face was impassive for a moment, before he smiled and nodded.

“Thank you,” Jack told the Doctor slapping one the back, playfully and continuing to walk ahead, not noticing that Rose had slipped away.


Rose had slid away from the Doctor and Jack to give them time to think and to compose her own thoughts as well. She knew that she wasn’t the one controlling her actions when she was the Bad Wolf, but it was her will and compassion that caused the actions to take place.

Her eyes drifted from the Time Lord and the immortal and to the city. There were very few people out; which was weird for a big city like London, and those that were out kept their eyes averted to the ground. The only people who spoke kept their voices in inaudible whispers, but most didn’t speak at all.

Rose tried to study the people’s faces, but they were all covered with a mask of stoicism, and Rose couldn’t read past them. She continued walking; recognizing places where familiar buildings had once stood, but were now replaced or gone completely.

Rose knew places changed in time, but she never thought about London specially. This could very well be even more eye-opening than watching the sun burn and die.

The Doctor might have thought the world of humans and that they can impact everyone, but that was humans as a whole. Apart, they made barely a footprint in time, memories lost history rewritten, and stories that took years to write…completely forgotten.

Rose was drawn out of her thoughts as she heard a soft rustling from behind her. She quickly turned around and watched the faces of the people surround her, but they made no indication that they cared about or even heard what had made the sound.

Rose ignored their impassive expressions and tuned in her ears searching for the sound again, but instead her ears picked up a vague whimpering from an alleyway. She cautiously began to walk towards it. Her hand’s brushing against the brick walls as she walked.

“Hello?” Rose asked in a whisper.

A louder whimper reached her ears and told her that the sound was coming from her left on the ground.

“Hey there,” Rose whispered as she knelt next to what looked like a shuddering pile of newspapers.

Carefully, almost fretfully, Rose pulled the newspapers from the shuddering figure and exposed the emaciated figure of a male child. He couldn’t have been more than three years old as his eyes grew wide with Rose’s presence and tried to get up to run away, but found himself cornered against the brick wall.

“It’s okay,” Rose whispered to the child. “My name’s Rose, I can help you. I have a friend, his name’s the Doctor and he can help you, but you need to calm down and trust me first, deal.”

Rose’s eyes spoke volumes to the young boy and he nodded, immediately trusting her and unfurling himself. As he did so, Rose’s eyes grew wide. The Child’s blue overalls were stained with dark and sticky blood. Rose now noticed how deathly pale the boy looked.

“Oh my God,” Rose whispered, as she pressed her hand gently onto the torn fabric and tried to staunch the blood flow coming out of the wound.

Gently, Rose lifted the boy into her arms and held him to her chest. His whimpering had stopped now, and Rose had realized that he had lost consciousness.

“Stay with me buddy,” Rose told him.

Rose was so focused on the child in her arms; she didn’t even notice what else was creeping in the shadows behind her at first. Slowly, Rose turned around as a low growl approached her ears.

A large werewolf was looming over her. She could feel its moist, hot breath on her face as it raised a huge claw, ready to slash her.

Tightening her grip on the child in her arms, Rose whirled around quickly and ran as the creature with super-human speed cut her off.

“Doctor!” she cried as loud as she could, and back as slowly and as non-threateningly into the dead end of the alleyway. “Jack.”

Her friend’s name came out in a hushed whisper, as she reached the end of the wall and turned herself against the wall with the child in between her and wall, shielding him from the wolf. She tensed her muscles and braced herself for the claws of the wolf.

jack, doctor who, ten, rose, the empire of the wolf

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