Fic: Through the Eyestalk

Apr 21, 2012 09:08

Title: Through the Eyestalk
Author: country_who
Rating: PG
Parings/Characters: Dalek, Doctor/Rose
Word Count: 528
Warnings: None
Summary: the end of Stolen Earth, through the Dalek's perspective.
Author's Note: Made for roseeverafter's prompt in the doctor_rose_fix Spring Fix-a-thon, and who_contest prompt,
"You Can't With Them All."

Blood… Hate… Anger… Kill… Superiority…

I watch, through the mechanical vision that my creator has bestowed upon me. Surrounded by a metal shell that gives me life and allows me to take it, I watch.

The ancient engines bred by Time Lord Hands grates against my nerves, making the hate grow stronger. Every atom of my being is waiting for this moment, the first Dalek in history to take down the Doctor, the only enemy that has never fallen by our own will. His rebellion and his sense of emotions are all blasphemous things that he must die for, and I will make it happen.

He steps out, my gun twitches without my will, but I pull it back down. It’s too soon. I must wait until his Children of Time, loyal to the last, have followed, so I may take them all.

His thin fabric ruffles in the wind, how can a man so powerful wear clothes so weak? His gall and arrogance makes it so. He needs no sense of protection. The warrior has grown soft with his small challenges and human companions. He is all but begging for death.

The ginger smiles suddenly, as the two murmur words I cannot hear. Smiling, such a foreign ideal, yet the woman seems to do it so naturally. I expect the Doctor to smile back, but he doesn’t. He only turns.

Suddenly, my sensors detect a slight increase in ozone from an electromagnetic transporter. I swivel and see another woman, whose presence the Daleks despise with near equal measure as the Doctor. The Bad Wolf.

She sees the Doctor first, smiling a smile that should be malevolent-should have been full of blood-thirst like the legends tell, but it’s not. It’s filled with happiness, joy and relief. She starts running and becomes blind to all else, and the Doctor is as well.

They aren’t plotting; they aren’t fighting; they’re reuniting. The Oncoming Storm and the Bad Wolf will meet again, and forever the world of the Daleks will fall.

The battle cry of my fellows rings out within me, and I join them.

The beam cuts through the Doctor with precision that has been bred into me. But, the Time Lord only grunts, before crumbling to the ground. His screams of agony should echo all around me, but they don’t. He lolls to one side, but not dead. He’s not even looking in my direction, not trying to fight. His eyes have closed shut, but his hand remains awake, reaching not for a weapon to kill me, but for the Bad Wolf.

She reaches him, holds him, and comforts him. He is coaxed back from the brink, just so he might get a final look at her.

I scream, silently trapped within my casing, forced to do the one thing that the Doctor did not. The hate bubbles up again within me, as time and being slips away, and I know why the Doctor was still able to reach out, I scream.

The great secret hidden to us for all of our restricted lives, the Doctor lives because he loves.

Love… Love… Love… Love… Love…

doctor, doctor who, dalek, ten, rose

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