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May 19, 2006 23:18

wow...today was my LAST full day of high school as a freshman. im starting to realize that im actually growing up, and its scary. this year has gone by so fast but it has been the most eventfull so far in my life. alot of good and bad things happened but at the end of the day all of this school years experiences good or bad have made me a stronger person. ive made alot of new friends but also seen a bad side of some old ones. ive learned who i really can trust, and when to keep my mouth shut, ive fallen in love, and also got my heart broken. ive made good grades, and falied some tests. ive cried, but ive also been very happy. but after all is said and done, i have no regrets...
---i dont think i could have done it without my friends. you all are the BEST. dont ever forget that.

on a different note my sister is leaving---
---------this is for AMANDA.--------------

This has been a crazy 15 years of living with you, and even though it may not seem like it, i have loved every bit of it. Every fight, argument, talk, cry, fort we built, mess we made, i wouldnt trade any of it for the world. you are the only person i can truley say has been through EVERYTHING with me. and you have kept me strong through those hard times. thank you for being the person that ive looked up to my whole life. thank you for always being there when i was having guy problems and i could tell you about them. thank you for being the person i get to argue with. thanks for letting me share clothes with you. thank you for everything youve ever done for me. it may be hard to belive but it will be so hard/lonely without you here next year. You have grown up into a beautiful young women and i know God has so many wonderful things in store for your future. im going to miss you so incredibly much, you have truely made a huge impact in my life. Good Luck at Auburn.
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