Jul 05, 2005 08:03
i officially declare that i am part of the 50 (don't wanna be 2 dramamtic) worst breakups in the world and i'd say i fall under like 27. all i wanted to do was get it over with and then just be friends... the typical line. that line worked for about 10 minutes and then BAM suddenly he hates me with a devoted passion. so what do i do? i try to talk him out of it of cours and what do i get in return? let's just say it wasn't pretty. guys can be such jerks ya know? sorry to those who aren't. he told me that he wouldn't ever come crawling back again so i shouldn't plan on it... so just to be a bitch i told him that if i ever did that to PLEASE push me away... he seemed a lil hurt lol but hey! what goes around comes around right? so then i call korrie to talk to her about this and what do i get? "i told you so" uh! who says that to a friend in need? my god you say it when everything's done and over with and the other person can agree with you... not take it offensively! so i call my friend from up by chicago zac because he is one of the 5 people who will sit down ignore the rest of the world and listen to me. what do ya know...he's not home. so i go through my list of 5 people. emily, zac, amber, my mom, and my dog *she only listens cuz she doesn't have a choice* so after zac wasn't home, i didn't feel like talking to my mom about this, i figured it was too late to call em, my dog was asleep, i settled on amber. to be honest with you she wasn't even in the list unil she was my last hope last night and when she did listen and did understand... she got korrie's spot. maybe you'll be nicer next time huh kor? :) but yeah... it was hard and i really wish it wouldn't have ended up the way it did but i'm not doin details in here so if ya really wanna know--- which i don't think you do--- you can call me k? well i need some sleep cuz i didn't get ne last night. love yall lotz!