(no subject)

Aug 07, 2007 00:42

Bruck walks up to Dooku's room. "Master?"

"Yes, Bruck?"

"I'm...worried about something that I heard today."

"Oh?" Do tell...

"I...ran into a girl named Petra. She told me who I was...and that what she knew of me I didn't want to know."

Great. Force, don't tell me I somehow picked up someone waiting to fall as a student. "Uh..." Pause. "Maybe Master Kenobi knows something?"

Bruck looks down at the floor. "I hope so...it just worries me. She said we were in love..." And he looks up at Dooku, as if this is the craziest thing he's ever heard.

And Dooku just takes a deep breath. "Allow me some time to...consider all of this." Pause. "Please, Bruck."

Bruck nods, and excuses himself quietly.

And then Dooku punches his desk when he's quite sure that Bruck is out of earshot. Somebody tell me how I managed to get into this mess...

dooku, bonzo madrid, oom

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