Jul 03, 2006 12:44
Bonzo steps into Dooku's room after knocking.
"Yes, Padawan?"
"Petra again, Master."
"What about her?"
"She's just...she won't even talk to me anymore. She saw me in my robes the other day, and..."
"Padawan, what have I told you about attachments?"
"They lead to the dark side, Master."
"So, say that you keep trying to talk to Petra, and she keeps refusing. Are you not unnecessarily exposing yourself to a source of anger?"
Bonzo looks down at the floor. Point to Dooku. "I am, Master."
"Why are you doing that?"
"Master, she's a friend of mine..."
"It does not sound like it, from the past few months. Remember what I said about friendship, Padawan."
Bonzo nods, remembering Dooku's rather explicit teachings.
"You clearly retain an attachment for Petra, and this is something that you must distance yourself from. It is not wise...ask yourself how far you would be willing to go to try and get her back."
Now there's just a deep breath, and Bonzo shakes his head. "You are right, Master. It is just hard...she's the only person from my world I talk to regularly."
"And what if she wound up opposing you in a war? What would you do then?"
Now that's something Bonzo never considered. "This Petra wouldn't...we're from different worlds."
"And do you think you could tell the difference back home?"
Bonzo shakes his head, visibly embarassed at this. "I would never let it interfere with my duties."
"And yet here, you chased her into a tree. What were you thinking, and what were you hoping to accomplish by this?"
Bonzo pauses, thinking for a moment. This is one of those times, then again, when it's easier to sort out a haystack to find a needle than to find the answer to the question posed. "I...I don't know what I was thinking...I just wanted to talk to her."
"Why? You know roughly why she is acting like she is."
"To try and make up with her."
Dooku ponders the response. "Understandable. I take it that she made it clear that she didn't want to make up with you?"
"No, Master."
"Very well, then, Padawan. Do not pursue the matter further.
"No further. She is not likely to accept further pursuits any better, from what I can tell of her. She has a problem with Jedi, something that I do not think she is going to let go."
Bonzo looks slightly upset, something that Dooku picks up on rather quickly.
"Bonzo, whether or not an attachment is romantic, it is still an attachment. Let it go, or it will be trouble for you."
"You are right, Master. I will let it go."
"Very good. Understand that this is for your own good...look where your last attachment led you."
Bonzo winces, and shudders a bit. "I understand."