Jun 07, 2006 13:23
hmmm. these little finches on my sister's desk are incredibly annoying. It looks like the girl is trying to peck out the boy's ear...thing. The only reason I tolerate them is because I like their beaks...yes, odd, but they remind me of that really cool evolution video we watched in biology on darwin's finches, and the funny arguements over natural selection and evolution that I had with Coach Guest ("LOOK! The fish has LEGS!"). Birds in trees are nice, but birds in cages next door to my room that incessantly cheep make Cristin go crazy.
I think I'm going to start painting today. I'm going to do a flower in oil for Karissa, and maybe paint the canvas of Mattie when I figure out what the background is going to look like (berber carpet is boring). Cross is coming over soon, he's now out of school. That should make for an interesting afternoon. Maybe he'll paint with me.
Tomorrow I get to go to Boy Scouts! Yay! My dad doesn't think that I go to boy scouts every thursday, haha. WHERE he thinks I go, I have no idea. Man, he's so paranoid.
I watched Amelie this morning. I LOVE THAT MOVIE. All of this talk of exempting classes at Converse has me worried that my conversational French really isn't up to par (I can translate and read on a 2nd grade level, LOL... so that's okay), but I'm starting to understand a bit more every time I watch the movie, so maybe I'll be good enough to pass the oral part of the exam. I really don't want to check out those French language CDs, but I'll do what I must.
I am going to take the public speaking exam, though. After Brock's class, I'm ready for anything. I could talk for four minutes about toenails, so I'm pretty sure that I can handle the speech they're throwing at us.
Well, À tout à l'heure!