Bright Eyes is writing your life story!
introspective and articulate, don't let your
love life get you down so much that you drink
yourself into oblivion and kill a family of 4
while driving drunk. no one likes dating a
convicted felon.
Which Band Is Writing Your Life's Story? brought to you by
Quizilla nuttin has been really going on...i mean my life is boring...but i did meet this new kid his name is frank...let me tell u he is sooo HOTT!!!!....but i think he might have quite...and if he did ill be sad...but oh well...ya soo i went to a haunted house was fun...i went w/ my aunt and my 2 little cousion was soo scared...i felt bad for him...well im gunna go...oh wait i might be gettin a new car...its going to be a mom feels bad cuz she bought me a car that is a piece of shit...soo when she gets a check its gunna go towards my car...soo i cant wait...well now im gunna so soo ill write more in here sum other time...
peace the fuck out