Aug 24, 2004 11:51
ya so last night couldnt get any and craig had a long talk and its just feels better we had it...cuz now i know he feels the same way i feel about him...but enough about im goin over cassies soo happy i have not seen her in like forever...i miss her so much...ya soo next wednesday and thursday im goin to cedar point i cant wait...its goin to be soo fun...but im kinda sad cuz marta cant go and that sucks...but its goin to be me carter michelle alyssa and that should be my life is sorta gettin better but it still sicks big time...but at least me and craig talked...i mean that just made my life kinda sum what better...ya soo this gurl kelly at work i thought she was my friend...i mean we r good friends but she tells my business to i guess this gurl lacey likes craig and kelly wanted me and craig to get together soo bad so she goes and tells him that lacey likes him...ok if kelly was a good friend she wouldnt have said anything...and im sick of everybody comin up to me tellin me what criag did and he is sick of everybody comin up to him tellin him what i did...soo it all needs to stop like right now...but ya i cant trust nobody nemore from that store...cuz they all go and tell everhbodys business exeplely im done tellin her tell everybody her shit then tell us not to tell nebody...but she goes and tells everybody done...well thats enough right now i gotta go get ready cuz cassie ma nassie is comin to get me so ill talk to yall laterz
peace the fuck out niggas