10 Random Things About Me... [Tagged]

May 05, 2008 06:59

I'm doing this because I'm extremely bored and I've been tagged twice anyway. So Patrick and Kristine, here you go:

1. My Polly Pocket collection is so vast it pwns.

2. I'm left-handed but I do a lot of things with my right hand instead.

3. Coffee is my favorite ice cream flavor [I love ice cream... Seriously.]

4. I have a love-hate relationship with knitting.

5. I'm allergic to fur. :[

6. The movie That Thing You Do was the cause of my love for music. I wanted to learn how to play the drums, to which my father replied, "That's for boys." So I said I wanted to learn the bass, to which my father said, "That's the same as  the guitar. Learn the guitar." So here I am.

7. My first song was written when I was in grade 4, and it was about bunnies. Only my closest friends know this and I will probably never reveal it to anyone ever again.... unless I get extremely drunk [which is an unlikely occurrence].

8. I like to cut hair, including my own.

9. I would love to go to Spain and Greece one day.

10. If you want to make me happy, tell me a corny joke. (And if that doesn't work, give me some ice cream. Hahah.)

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