Jul 26, 2006 21:19
Sometimes I feel that I am dealing with things on my own and I don't want to discuss anything. That is not always respected and sometimes it is not even possible to explain that feeling. I guess sometimes we feel that if we don't say something out loud, it isn't really real. It's a very child-like way of thinking, but aren't we all still small children?
I wasn't really trying to eavesdrop but when people sit in the kitchen right in front of my office, I can't help but overhearing really. Anyway, these two people were discussing one of their situations. I knew this guy had been having some problems, but I hadn't heard any details. Long story short, or at least I'll try, he has been on and off with this girl who really is his first love. He doesn't want to be alone, because, well, it's lonely, and he doesn't want to be with her because she treats him so horribly. He is trying to be strong and not be with her, but that means he probably won't go back to school where he was because she is there and there is no escape from her. I listened to their entire conversation and it made me think about how selfish I had been. Sometimes I think I'm the only one with problems and that is just so selfish. So selfish, in fact, that it makes me ill to think of it. Anyway, I started thinking, "Why him? Why this sweet, sweet guy? Why do these bad things have to happen to him?" Then I realized that if we knew why these things happen, they just wouldn't happen because we'd know that they were going to happen before they happen and we could stop them.
Does anyone actually read all the pseudo-intelligent garbage I write in this thing? I mean, good grief.
Have I ever mentioned that I really, really, really like Criss Angel, the Mindfreak? I have quite a little movie star crush on that guy. Mmm. Oh, and if you've never watched the show or never heard of him, I highly recommend you take a look because he's rather amazing.
Sometimes I feel that I'll be happy doing whatever job I have to do as long as the people are nice and enjoy my sarcastic sense of humor. The people I work with now, besides one, are some of the nicest people I've met and they always laugh at the sarcastic things I say. Those are my kind of people, man.
I feel that I am not expanding my mind in any form. I feel like I'm becoming... Okay, well, maybe that's not how I want to say it. What I will say is that my intellectual growth is stagnant at this point and I attribute it highly to...well, it doesn't matter what I blame for it because ultimately, it's my own fault. However, I do not want to live my life that way. I want to know everything. That will never, ever happen, but I have always wanted to know everything about everything and I'm not even moving towards knowing anything right now. It's disgusting.
Okay, enough rambling. Hope everyone's doing well.