Title: My Favourite Sweatpants Dick
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: PG
Form: One-shot
Genre: AR, College!AU, Fluff, Frottage, Happy, Romance
Warning: Sweatpants dick only happens like in the fourth last page of the story. It's quite a respectable fic, to be honest.
Summary: Inspired by sweatpants dick from
The Feeling of Your Skin
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And omg, the dorm thing. You know how the guy's level is always way messier? With their shoes all over the place compared to the girls' and the whole nah, it's fine, I'll get up by myself and then you'll follow somebody into the dorm, lol. I'm a nerd for details too, hahaha, and i can't stop thinking about ice cream, whelp. That aside, thanks for the publicity ((ノ〃ω〃)ノ゙ i got one the last time too and i was like @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. I can't believe i got another again, hahhahhaa. Thanks, really. /wonders about ice cream.
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