Title: The One Where Yunho's A Hapless Pervert
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: R
Form: One-shot
Genre: AR, Crack, Masturbation, Some plot if you squint
Warning: Bad writing, Mentions of Yunho having an affair with white chocolate
Prompt: So we’ve never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall so
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omy gosh, the floor fucking thing. it's like in my brain right, yunho dicks the floor and he says the stuff that he imagines that he says and he teases his prostate externally and stuff. like did that come through? but obv the jaejoong cumming on him doens't happen unless hahaahhha,jaejoong hulk smashes the wall between their toilet and then WHAM. but yeah. and then jaejoong dicks to yunho moaning and YUNHO MOANS EVEN THOUGH HE BITCHES ABOUT JAEJOONG MOANING. yes, very unclear, i dind't know how to put that in, the ending was so bad, idk.
AND THAT LAST GIF ISN'T TOM CRUISE OBV??? IT DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE CHRISTIAN BALE EITHER. it looks like a hobo. like remus lupin in azkaban, you know, hobo chic.... wow, how first world.
and no. no, no, no, no. /finds jesus for you. I NO GET ERECTION OVER STOMACH BULGE. i be finding jesus for you because i kink shame you because i love you, this isn't going to happen. HOW CAN YOU EVEN. omg, reminds me of those ancient japan porn art where the guy has like this idk, like a literal bat for a dick. THAT'S HOW YOU GET A STOMACH BULGE, OMG. and eh, i remember one tw fic where like the sheriff gives baby isaac a bulge from his cum. how do you even. but yeah. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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