Title: Scattered Vertebrae
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: PG
Form: One-shot, Sequel (
1 |
2 )
Genre: AU, Generally Happy, Lucid, Slice of Life
Summary: Jaejoong finds himself walking on a thin line, wondering if having nothing, or nothing, is better.
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Now what I really want is one more chapter. I want to hear that conversation continue - when they come clean with each other, express their love and laugh and cry over their fears, share their hopes and dreams, etc.
Thanks for writing this sweet, angsty story.
I think when I read 'paper pusher' an image of him entered my brain and wouldn't let go. It certainly seemed to fit the way he thought about himself in relation to Jae. So when you mentioned the newspaper articles I still assumed he was just one of the individuals on a project team. LOL.
Regarding angst - you're right, this doesn't have the claw in the heart where I've suddenly broken out into tears, but it does have a sense of incipient loss to it, with both of them believing the other doesn't really care for them except for the physical relationship. And somehow in this encounter they're able to hear each other through their touches. Because Yunho never actually says his "I love you" out loud, right? It's a lovely story.
And I actually have like a lot of plots but I never have the time to really write them. /crouches. And finals are approachingggg. I swear that that's a total mess of a marathon. Haha. I'm actually excited though. /heh.
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