May 21, 2007 03:43
lalala i'm up doing the most borrrrring job ever for my mom's boss. so instead of finishing it i'm taking a break to update this thing. it makes me smile that someone (cough larsen cough) still checks it even though i rarely update, so SUrPRISE! haha so exciting, i know.
umm... it's summer, i survived another year at nd, wooo. it was a good year:). still trying to wrap my head around the fact that i'm halfway done with college. real world here i come? no thanks.
ok i have absolutely nothing to say so i think i'm going to make some music recommendations and then get back to paid boredom. although since about 2 people including myself read this, i suppose i'm about to just type about the music i'm into lately. works for me.
*if you're in the mood for a fun, awesome indie band, try: MARGOT and the nuclear so and so's
*if you're in the mood for a flirty, sassy, talented female artist, try: FEIST (her new album, the reminder, is especially good)
*if you're in the mood to discover an amazing indie-pop folk album by a fantastic couple, listen to say i am you by the WEEPIES. it's almost heartbreakingly good.