(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 23:46

1.What time is it? 11:47

2.Do you want to answer these? I don't know, its late, to late to work on my paper or call Brittany... so I guess

3.Name? Trav-ASS
4.Name spelled backwards? Ekad Sivart Haimirej
5.What is your quest? To slay the dragon... maybe after that... fall in love and have kids, half way there.
6.Nickname? Trav-ASS, Dyke, Mother fucker, Any villian from a disney movie, and tarzan, Maybe scoops too... oh and my favorite MANDY

7.Age? 18 in two months
8.Hometown? I don't think I have one... maybe a little place in texas
9.What were you born in? Waco Texas
10.Where do you live now? Fort wayne
11.What state? Indiana
12.Ever going to move? ASAP
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? Chicago, then on to New York
14.Birthdate? 06.01.87
15.When do you blow out your candles? when I'm 12 or younger
16.Day you were born? maybe a thursday?
17.Zodiac sign? Gemini
18.Do you know what that is? twins
19.Sex? I'm a boy
20.Height? 6'1" ish
21.Weight? 150 ish
22.Eye color? the most unbecoming blue
23.Hair color? natural brown, Black with bad roots right now
24.Any siblings? yes... grrr
25.Names and ages? Willy, 20something, Duschebag by trade
26.Do you get along with them? I don't like dusche

27.Any pets? god, i wish
28.Names? I had a dog named duster once... :(
29.Parents? A mother... she's cool sometimes
30.Names? Barbara and James
31.Do you get along with them? never with one, half the time with the other
32.Married or divorced? Divorced
33.How long? um 17 odd years
34.Website? Probably this and steak-and-cheese.
35.Email? you know it
36.AOL s/n? rammsteinist, metal fan man td
37.Yahoo s/n? *cough* excuse me... what?
38.ICQ? no
39.MSN? whatever you want it to be
40.How many people are on your buddy list? I don't pay attention anymore
41.Phone number? awww... um fuck... I honestly don't know, ask Brit
42.Personality? Sarcasm anyone? Condescending (when angry), Um I'm just about one of the nicest guys i know on a good day... just about

44.What school do you go to? Homestead High School
45.What year are you? 11th grade
46.What are you? In love
47.Hardest class? AP Biology... Worrying about US history right now though... cuz I'm not doing it
48.Easiest class? Hahaha, all of you say study hall... probably... Weight and strength, none of them really are
49.Most fun class? Bio with Dereck, funny guy... Britts usually grumpy in German :p
50.What day did school start? A day i don't care to remember
51.Do you have classes with friends? um all... 2 classes I don't have close friends though
52.Do you have friends? Right now.
53.Do you go to school events? Used to... I'm not that fond of jocks right now

54.What was the last event you went to? Semi-formal
55.Do you have school spirit? not really, I'm to lethargic
56.Do you go to dances? sometimes
57.Stag or with someone? With someone or not at all. I don't like picking people up at dances
59.Have a significant other? Yes
60.What is their name? Bet ya can't guess
61.How old are they? 15... ouch, i feel like a pedifile sometimes
62.How long have you been going out? 7 monthsish
63.Have you been faithful? Completely
64.Do you have a crush? YES
65.Who? 2 of them... 1. Brittany 2. Aaron
66.Do they know you like them? Most definately
67.You ever going to tell them? Oh lordy lordy, i'd never
68.Do you have an online crush? No... but lets not think about these things *shudders*
69.Who? *cough* *gag*

In the Past 24 Hours Have You?

70. Do you wonder why I'm asking these questions? do you?
71.Had a serious talk? Yea, i do most days, i have moody friends
72. Hugged someone? oh yea
73.Fought with a friend? no...hmmm wow... first in a while...
74.Cried? Almost two years since then
75.Laughed? Yes yes, i do most days, i have funny friends
76.Made someone laugh? cuz i'm stupid
77.Bought something? umm... a soda, smokes yesterday... and a PSP by the end of the week
78.Cut your hair? Nope
79.Felt stupid? yea, but it comes and goes
80.Talked to someone you love? Yes, yes i have
81.Missed someone? Every second

Have-you-ever ?

82. You want me to tell you? Are you trying to make me interested with reverse phychology?
83.Smoked? yes
84.Stolen something? don't think so
85.Done drugs? yes
86.Drank? yes
87.Gotten drunk? hell yes
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos? over the span of a couple of days, with help... so no
89.Been dumped? What is your definition of "dumped"
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? hmmm... yea sorta, wasn't really dating, same issue as above scenerio
91.Hiked up a mountain? Yes
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? yea... weekends are depressing sometimes
93.Been in love? yes, yes I have
94.Seen the White House? whats that?
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower? yea... in team america, it was beautiful
96.Try smoking? yes
97.Played monopoly? yes
98.Seen Titanic? yes
99.Kissed someone? mmhhmmm
100.Tried a weight loss program? are you kidding me?
101.Jumped on a trampoline? yeah
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? sadly no
103.Had a bubble bath? nope
104.Been on a plane? Yes
105.Been on a boat? Yes
106.Been on a train? hmmm maybe?
107.Been in a car accident? yep
108.Ridden an elephant? nope
109.Made a web page? nope
110.Played with Barbies? i played with action figures while my friend played with his barbies once
111.Stay up all night? a couple of times, not doin it tonight
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? i prefer the closet
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? nope
114.Watched Jerry Springer? yup
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yea
116.Been afraid of the dark? depends, sometimes
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? yes
118.Had stitches? yes
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? nope
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? no
121.Lied? yes... sadly
122.Been arrested? haha, no, i don't get caught
123.Fallen asleep in class? here and there
124.Gotten in trouble in class? yea
125.Used food for something other than to eat? probably, probably will again
126.Met a celebrity? maybe, i dont' remember, if i did it obviously wasn't important to me
127.Broken the law? yes
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? i don't cry... almost did the other day for this reason though
129.Hated yourself? More than you'll ever know
130.Been brokenhearted? Yes
131.Broken someone's heart? Regretably so
132.Are you a virgin? Yes...
133.Done something really stupid? these are the moments that define my life
134.Been arrested? nope
135.Hurt a friend? ask them
136.Broken a bone? yes
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher? I've thought a teacher was hot before...

138. Why do you want to know? Curious
139.Guy name? Scipio
140.Girl name? Nicole
141.Nationality? Nordic
142.Color? white
143.Holiday? um... i guess i don't like holidays. christmas, giving is fun
144.Day of the week? tuesday and or thursday
145.Restaurant? Omega, chinese restaurants that cook infront of you, and places with big burgers
146.Fastfood restaurant? hmmm, taco bell
147.Food? any kind of bread with meat in the middle
148.Animal? Dog, snake, others? no

I'm cutting you off here, Its late, i have shit to do tomorrow, dreading my paper in US history... god damnit someone do it for me. I'll finish this later. Yesterday i puke for the first time since last summer... too many cups of coffee and ciggerettes and mushy foods. Looking forward to tuesday, thursday, and friday. I love you jen you're neat. I love you Brit, more than I'm able to say. I love the rest of you too. Just don't feel like typing much more... um well yea, heres to school getting off my case soon.


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