Aug 08, 2007 12:43
"Rrawwwrrrrr." shouts the guy several feet above me on the rock face.
He was obviously stoked about being at the peak of the rather awkward bit of rock on the side of the ridge, appropriately named the Tooth of Time. And, Suddenly my brain drifts to a certain movie as I carefully make my way down toward level ground, a certain awesome movie, that my friends and I often quote. And the very thought of it amused me to the point where I could no longer resist shouting a mindless response.
"SPARRRRTAAAAAAA," I shout back. There was a bit of silence as the people around me let the outburst sink in. And before you could say "madness" the shouting man retorted with
"Tonight we Dine in Hell!!!!!!!!!!111"
The exchange was a silly but rather appropriate end to my trip to New Mexico, a trip that, upon its conclusion, has given me several things to think about.
LOL Christianity
Now before people start getting offended, I'm not trying to bash the people who were with me for those two weeks or Christians in general....I'm mostly commenting on Christian radio....On car ride from Denver to Cimmeron and from Cimmeron back to Denver the people I was with found a Christian radio station which mostly played a variety of crappy Christian bands, all of which sound exactly like Nickelback/Hinder/Creed, oh yeah and that one really annoying song that they always played on those commercials advertising all of those inspirational Christian know "god of wonders of all or galaxy....he is holy hooooooooly."
And to my suprise everyone in the car knew the words to most of these songs....and proceeded to sing them.... And so I turn to my only CD player...and proceed to drown out annoyance with Hirano Aya.
However when "god of blah blah galaxy ended" and the radio station was changed Lynard Skynard began playing Sweet Home Alabama and the volume was turned up.....Hirano Aya could not save me from that.....
Fortunately awaiting me at the end of my journey home was the new Harry Potter book...the last one. It is a book I'd been pretty much waiting for in the ten or so years I've been following the series. Which brings me to my next thought
LOL Harry Potter
While the book was an amazing read I still have to say it was pretty predictable. It was an ending I expected when I started reading this series all of those years ago. When I hiked off of the Tooth, and walked back to base camp at the end of my trek in the woods, however I couldnt get the whole "what happens next" thought out of my mind. So, as soon as I got a hold of my cell phone i call home.....and basically shout "harry Potter harry potter harry potter" at my mother until she said
"oh yeah i got that for you yesterday"
And as I breathe a sigh of relief I noticed i had some missed calls both of which were from my friend Tom....
LOL Tom From the Navy
I check the first message....
"Chris call me when I'm sober love you bye"
With a sigh I check the next message... and Tom with a drunken slur is on the other end
*random noises in the background*
"shut the fuck up I'm talking to my best friend in the whole wide world......"
then he proceeds to say "YOU, my friend are a sexy mother fucker....I love you"
*end of message* what else can I say but LOLtomfromthenavy
Which for some reason reminds me of people from texas....
LOL people from Texas...
Now what took me aback the most about my trip to New Mexico...was that a good deal if not most of the people out at Philmont were from Texas. Now not to say that this is true of everyone from Texas but goddamn most of these people were that claimed to be from texas were teh loudest most obnoxious people out there....and a lot of them strut around with a superiority complex...
As a matter of Fact in the middle of a church service at the end of my trek...a game was played to get an idea of where people are from...and the object of said game was to shout the state you were from....
And so it would go a little like this.. "Ohio" Ohio" "Ohio" "Ohio" "Rhode Island "Rhode Island" "Indiana" "Indiana" "DALLAS!!!!!!!!"
And a good deal of people from texas would shout their city as opposed to just texas as if Dallas or Houston or San Antonio were states in the United States of Texas....
Ah well
Some things to think about
lol stuff