Apr 28, 2007 00:00
So now that summer is here I've finally got some time to do a few things
1. Clean my room---too many bowls of peanut shells and scattered glasses full of melted ice...
2. Read some manga---I've bought a bunch of manga in the last few months need to read (especially
3. Read some novels----I...start....too....many.....books....argh is it sad that im reading like 20 books at the same time?
4. Play some video games----I'm in the middle of .hack and Disgaea I need to finish!!!!!
5. Draw again---why not?
6. Get a job---I need moneys
7. Catch up on some anime that I've been putting off ^^;
8. Finish the freaking X-files----there are soooooo many episodes
>>>>>>>Athough its weird in the months ive been watching the X-files I've felt like I've been reliving the '90s because it seems to be a summation of it....except with aliens....and ghosts....and liver eating immortal monsters that hybernate for 50 years under an escalator