Jan 06, 2005 01:58
Ten things you have in your room
1. A bed
2. A bureau
3. A desk
4. A CD player
5. Pictures
6. Portfolio
7. Clothes
8. Wicker chair
9. Footlocker
10. A painting given to me by John's uncle
Five things you say most (used to be 7 but I changed all that):
1. I dunnot WHAT you're talking about. (yes I bit if from Rey, but I still use it ad nauseum)
2. Pumpkin Tits
3. Sweet Jesus
4. "Have I got a story for you" - *the longer the pauses in between Have/I and Story/for, the more ridiculous the story*
5. Kiss the fattest part of my white ass
*Such the delicate flower am I!*
Do You:
Smoke? Like a chimney
Do drugs? Sometimes
Read the newspaper? just the comics
Pray? depends on your definition of prayer
Have a Job? hell, had 2 for a while there
Attend Church? yeah, okay...
Have you ever:
Been in love? I think so. Though now I'm not so sure
Gone skinny dipping? yup. Lost my ring that way
had surgery? not yet. If I fuck up my knee one more time, I will.
swam in the dark? love it
Been to a Bonfire? nope
Got Drunk? shit... I've given new definition to drunk. Hell, I've coined a new catch-phrase!
Ran away from home? once. I only got as far as the end of the driveway before my dad yelled at me to come back.
Played strip poker? yeah... not very good at it.
Gotten beaten up? can't say I have
Beat someone up? yes. yes I have.
Slept outdoors? god! Why?
Pulled an all nighter? and made myself sick from it
Been on radio/tv? yes actually. My dad used to work for cable so me and my sister were in a couple of public access comercials when we were younger
Been in a mosh-pit? no never. don't really plan on it.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Oh my God I am the biggest Fag Hag!!
Wallet? .... Have I ever wallet?
Coffee? I'm assuming this one is do I like coffee. In which case - yes.
Cologne/Perfume? my absolute favorite is Cool Water, but rite now I wear "Moonlight Path"
In the last 24 Hours have you...
Cried? don't think so
Bought something? cigarettes
Gotten sick? gotten over being sick.
Sang? fuck yeah!
Been kissed? good... rub it in...
Felt stupid? Oh probably. Hell I feel kinda dumb rite now actually... Thanks!
Talked to an ex? I've texted an ex (say that out loud 5x fast!)
Talked to someone you have a crush on? yes actually
Missed someone? Oh yeah...
Hugged someone? Prolly Julie. She's full of hugs.
Sex with someone? 2 MONTHS! 2 FUCKIN MONTHS AND I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!