Day two with Scoot went well. Earned a few deep scratches on my hand for picking him up wrong, but the internet taught me how to do it the correct way. Yay improvement :D
Scoot already knows where to and where not to go to the bathroom. He still chews everything though. Everything. Cardboard, books (especially manga, as it's on the bottom row of my bookcase), and the carpet are his favorite things to chew on. He's chewing on my pant leg right now. I don't mind that he chews on stuff as long as he doesn't eat what he chews.
He tends to follow me around the room, probably because he wants to chew on my pant legs, but I like to pretend it's because our relationship is improving. He lets me pet him on his head, between his eyes and on his nose, but he's clearly uncomfortable with any further touching. Apparently I have to build up the trust between us.
So far I've only given him celery and a grape as alternatives to his pellets and hay. He loves the celery, but took his time eating the grape.
He's very intelligent, always finding ways around my rabbit-proofing to get to the oh-so-desirable underside of my desk. I'm thinking of getting a little fence to go around the perimeter of my room to block off wires.
First day of English Comp was a little intimidating. All semester we'll be working on a pretty big research paper. I think my topic will be the censorship of the internet.
The teacher allows laptops in class, but of course there's no wifi in that particular classroom. Figures.
The teacher seems cool. He's a mac guy, but he admitted he's not good with technology. Might be a bit strict with his grading, but he's always willing to give advice on papers.
Should be very hard or very easy.
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I have the Cloak and Dagger watch, it allows you to remain cloaked indefinitely as long as you stand still, which goes perfectly with my style of play. Tom has the Dead Ringer, which makes it appear as though he died when I do damage to him, while he's invisible and sneaking up behind me to stab me.
I'd rather not talk about the new weapon unlock system. I'll just say it's a very UN-awesome thing coming from a very awesome company like Valve :C