Nov 06, 2007 11:38
The Sunday before Halloween something completely ridiculous and unexpected happened. I was in Royal Victoria College, where Christine resides, and we went up to the seventh floor (where she does not live but this other girl who needed to get her coat does) and happened to encounter two Sophies that I know from outside McGill. Actually, I only encountered one of them. But I know that the other is here. This only happened because there was a list right outside the elevator that explained where everyone was from, their name and their faculty. I looked at the list of places, saw a couple of Mississauga humans* and commented to Christine that that was where I went to school. Progressing down the list I also noticed that someone was from Sarnia and so made a further comment about how I used to live there. I had already checked that I didn't know the Mississaugans and I wasn't expecting to know the girl from Sarnia either until I noticed that there was a second location given for her and it was Houston, Texas. I kind of freaked out when I realised, having looked at her name, that this was someone I had gone to nursery school and kindergarten with before she moved to Texas. This led to my loud exclamation of "SOPHIE FULLER! I KNOW HER!!!" which brought the other Sophie of my acquaintance over to the elevator area to see what the Sophie-shouting rumpus was about. Once she had done a quick visual inspection and ascertained that she was not the Sophie in question she withdrew but not before I had realised who she was. This led to a ridiculous bit of questioning in which I attempted to determine that she was who I thought she was. It went something along the lines of "Is your name Sophie?" "Did you go to France and Spain a couple of years ago?" "Was it a school trip with another French high school?" "Do you have a Bryan Adams t-shirt?" all of which were answered in the positive and led me to reveal myself as the rando Ste-Famille girl who shared a room with her and her friend one night. It was pretty ridiculous.
*I'm experimenting with the use of the word "humans" instead of "people". It is an experiment in perspective.