Yeah, I've not been around much lately. I have just been not feeling that good and a bit grouchy to boot. Winter is taking it's toll on me and if it continues much longer I just might go postal. Not really, but there will be bitchiness for all to enjoy. I've also been kinda jittery due to lack of sleep and not eating right. Not to mention dry skin on my hands and no matter how much cream I put on them they seem to crack and hurt :(.
I was feeling kinda poorly at Fango a couple of weeks ago, bad enough to the point where I didn't feel much like socializing. Which made me feel kinda bad as our companions Mary (Merry?) along with Ron and Angie from the Sven group were a lot of fun to hang out with. I did enjoy our photo-op with Robert Englund, he was too funny! He was directing everyone in the shot how to pose, what a ham lol! It was totally worth the $40 + the extra $10 to get the jpeg on a cd to take home right away instead of waiting for March 10th to send out for the hard copy, mainly because it is really hard to get a pic with him due to the conventions (yes I'm looking at YOU
Flashback Weekend!) not allowing us to snap a pic with him even tho I paid $25 for an autograph when I met him the first time back in July. We at least got video of him that day LOL! We also met up with gothic magician and entertainer
Master Ron Fitzgerald who is always a pleasure to hang out with and our other good friend
Sofiya Smirnova.
I have more fun and excitement coming up in my next post that I am currently typing up in WordPad, so like Arnold the Governator always says - "Ah'll be back!" haha.