LAST weekend aka my once-a-week post

Nov 16, 2007 10:22

We went to the circus last Thursday nite!!! We got to meet clowns and see some of the acts up close in the all-access pre-show :D. The show was awesome too, lots of clowns and acrobatic acts, trained tigers and dogs and even a human cannonball! We got souvenirs including free plastic clown noses that they were giving away at the pre-show (no we didn't wear them :P), a souvenir program and a DVD of the Red Tour circus performance. Greg even bought me a Bello doll, and even tho it was really expensive and I told him that he should save his money...he still got it for me :). Made me love him even more it did! After the circus was over we ambled over to the Steak N' Shake for a quick meal of chicken sammiches and fruit n' frozen yogurt milkshakes.

Friday we went to the Arlington Park Holiday Faire arts and crafts show. Saw a lot of neat Christmas items, sniffed some scented candles, scarfed up a bunch of free sample dips and ate chocolate covered blueberries and pretzels. Went to Pita Inn for a late nite meal of hummus and chicken shewirma *homer drool*.

I honestly cannot remember what we did Saturday and Sunday it was practically a blur, think we went to Pita Inn and that's about it. If I remember I'll edit this post LOL!

circus, food, arts & crafts

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