Another busy weekend...Thursday
count_gregula and I went down to Berwyn (after a yummy Chinese lunch at Wah Sun) to visit our good fiend John at
Horrorbles. We had a nice time visiting with him and another friend Elizabeth from the Yahoo Creature Features group happened to be there as well, she was helping out in the store. We gave John an autographed 8 x 10 pic of Count and Countess Gregula and he bought two of our DVDs. We also sold a third DVD to another guy Joe Black who met up with us at the It Came From Lake Berwyn fest at
Cigars & Stripes. Too bad silly me locked the keys in the car (due to being asked a zillion times to go in and out of the car to get stuff) so we ended up spending the damn money we made to get someone to open the lock for us :|. We still had a fun time tho and John really enjoyed our take on hosting "Night of the Living Dead" and it will be playing on the TV in his store hopefully this week.
Friday, we intended to go to the Oktoberfest in Lake Zurich. However, as soon as we were on our way the skies opened up and it poured with some really cool lightning fireworks in the sky, so that was out. We decided to go on ahead anyways and just eat at the KFC buffet in Lake Zurich. tasted so good to eat such bad food, but we will have to lay off the munchies for a while hahaha. Afterwards, Greg and I were very pleased to discover that there was a
Spirit Halloween Superstore right next door to the restaurant where the old Frank's Nursery & Crafts was. We must have spent a good two hours in there looking at costumes, makeup and decorations. I think Countess might be getting a new gown this Halloween ;). Stopped off at the Oktoberfest afterwards, but they wanted $5 to see the entertainment so we decided to just finish off the night by taking a spoooooky ride down Cuba Road past haunted White Cemetery.
Saturday was a pissy day, but I kinda mentioned that in my last post. It was nothing that Jelly Bellys couldn't fix lol. Gonna be going to an Oktoberfest in Forest Park today, so I gotta get off of here and ready to ciao for now!!!!!!!