I am very very happy to have beaten the odds at long last and gotten SWEET loot in a random draw.
I won this baby in a booster pack for a EQ related card game:
It amazed me because I picked that series of booster packs to recieve as gifts hoping that I might get this one particular rare loot, but never thought I'd actually get it as I never seem to get that sort of thing. But! Out of my five packs of cards (15 cards each) I got just ONE loot card, but the loot card was THE one I was hoping for. How sweet is that??
And here I take my mount out for a spin!
Not only is it pretty--- a sleek horse and none of that annoying armor I don't like -- but its got great stats! 50% bonus to speed, and it buffs several combat stats (EQ2 let you fight from horseback) You can only call it once per day, but it lasts for 24 hours. In game mounts with that speed alone goes for more Platinum and Status Points than I can conceive of ever earning in the next year, let alone the handsome looks and the buff!
Here I am pausing in travels at the Butcherblock Mountains, a rocky mountainous pine-barrens. The animation for the mounts are pretty nice-- the sounds too. He twitches his flanks, blows his nose, prances, all sorts of stuff.
I am soooo thrilled because the one thing I have been hankering for in game has been a really nice pretty mount--- and I got one!!!!