Those of you online who remember me in my teenage years recall that among my sci-fi favorites was V. This is a science fiction series that I lived for, ate, breathed, and wrote endless fan fic even above the call of Dr WHo and Star Trek.
Well they are remaking it this year.
I won't got into great details here, as I am quite tired, but I did want to pass along that initial reviews and scuttlebutt indicate that is a very well done remake, with new characters but keeping the main plot and themes as according to the writers orginal idea before NBC ruined it in sequels. It has also been updated not just with new special effects (which are minor) but with new world building to account for the political and economic situatiosn we have today.
Also of interest to fans are that some good actors are in it, inlcuding a lady from Firefly.
Here is a great review to sum up everything, that includes the basic plots of the first series from '80's as well as a fairly interesting review of the writer and the show of the new pilot. I am feeling really hopeful that this remake will add to the depth of the potential of the sociology and philiosphy of the orginal storylines, and cannot wait until it is revealed in broadcast!.