Just took a shower and changed the sheets to fresh new ones, gave both cats food, and had a small bowl of ceral. I'm exhausted, but want my hair to dry some before I lay down.
Tippy is playing!
She picked up her Blue Mouse from the floor and played with it, now she is playing hide and seek under the new sheets. She is coming back to her normal self! In some ways, she is less grumpy. Maybe less fighting for territory outside? Will see how she does as I recover and spend less time in the room with her or in the house where she can hear me. I think she will do okay though, because I have found her sleeping on the computer chair when I come back in, instead of whining for me. In fact, she is talking and chirruping like old times these days, but when hungry.
When hungry she has taken to doing a very pitiful howl-like meow until she gets wet food she likes better. She is, however, starting to eat solid food again. Not sure at this point if she is feeling better, or if she is forcing herself through pain. A vet visit is in her future, but she needs to settle in a bit more before I traumatize her with a car trip. Her stiffness seems to come and go. She is slower to do her window and bed jumps, but she is still getting around. Around enough to be a pain in the but trying to put new sheets on the bed, and knock over my lamp and bedstead as I slept last night :)
I still don't like to eat, just nothing sets well, but no disasters so I can live with some annoyances. I guess I can see if I can turn it into a weight loss program :) Ironically, I noticed that while I was sick I missed a doctors appointment., That happens a fair amount throught the year so I guess its not ironic anymore. I will call them up. Right now the main problem seems to be dizziness from vision if I move much.
It was over 100 degrees yesterday, or so Ruth said and so I saw on the news. But I didn't feel it so bad here in this new apartment. My old place was sweltering and my A/C had to run at constant fullpower to make it so I could at least lie and pant and get some air. Here, I felt warm in the house, but not too bad, and my room was fine and the A/C is just set to come on and off occaisionally. Big difference! And it will show in the power bill too at the end of themonth,and in my productivity, when illness is over. And if it gets warmer, I can make it cooler! I feel like I have real living options now.
Thought I heard thunder earlier, but it could have been bass upstairs to a song with really quiet bits. THis apartment thing really takes getting used to. I heard some people otuside my window yakking it up and they said "Dude I can see right in the window!" I freaked until they added, "And you are on the third floor!" This parking lot at my headboard realllllly takes getting used to. Especially when they are inebriated college students cursing up a storm trying to get to their cars. (one can hope there designated driver is just keeping silent) Nothing bad-- I do not fear. But so far it is annoying and banal and I want MORE curtains just to make sure that the corners I try to cover don't slip aside. All the other apartments got new flooring. We declined (or at least I did) the flooring during thelease signing, prefering to move in quicker, and with the cats, it seemed the thing to do. I prefer carpet and they didn't mind doing their upgrade later. The installation was annoying for a week while all around I heard hammering and all, but the real downside is that footsteps are magnified on the wood upstairs and now much much louder.
Well not much can do about apartment issues, if youwant housing in this town that is affordable. Inside the apartment, it feels light and spacious even with so many unpacked boxes, and I love my convenient washer dryer, dishwasher, and insulation. I do wish we got better tv reception. PBS comes in very rarely via the digital converter box, and while I love the three new channels I hate not being able to access them whenever I want. I tried to watch a Nova about fractals today and I had to shut it off, too many skips, not any better than the box that says "weak signal" and floats around. But I can't give those cable companies all that money-- they are real rip offs! I will see if I can get a better antenna off of craigs list, but my hopes are not great, I know the signals here are iffy between reduced strentgh with digital and the mountain terrain.
I did see a teacher program while eating my ceral a bit ago on Fibborocci number sequences (spelling?) that I didn't know about. Math wasnever my strong suit. It took me a while to figure out their use because they didn't break that down until after a lot of rigamarole, so I redesigned the lesson plan in my head :) I do that a lot with the educational materials that air at night. Did see a good one on elementary school wide program to study and enact a dance to a book in an art program. I thought the program was great from the kids researching animals and the ways the worked on each class area doing their special part. THe teachers kept promoting it as artsy, I sort of thought it was also great on logitstical skills, problem solving, co-oridinating and etc, but they just thoguth of it as teaching how wonderful dance/costume/etc is. It reminded me of some of my lesson plans without the self awareness of their meta-skill materials. The way the presented it, I could see some grumpy budget person thinking it was a useless program and slashing it. I think the meta-skills NEED to be promoted and included as part of the lesson intents. I love art, but I just don't understand why art teachers always promote it as so artsy-fartsy instead of just a great tool and activity as well.
Gonna dry off my hair with vigorous scrubbing and lay down again now. Computer screens are still not good for my vision right now. I think that will get better soon though.