Title: Time Rating: PG Fandom: Harry Potter Prompt: List 10a, #8 Time Character: Sirius/Draco Summary: After Sirius and Draco met in Draco’s third year the started a romance. Once a month Draco comes with Severus to Grimmauld Place.
Uwah! My OTP! *__* Don't ask me how I found this, I'm just glad I did. I so love Draco/Sirius but there are just a couple of fics out there, so I'm always incredible happy to find something.
It's just sad that there is no more than this. *sighs* They write so cute letters.
Comments 1
Don't ask me how I found this, I'm just glad I did. I so love Draco/Sirius but there are just a couple of fics out there, so I'm always incredible happy to find something.
It's just sad that there is no more than this. *sighs* They write so cute letters.
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