Title: A Slut Named Draco
hambaresCharacter/Pairing: Lucius/Draco/Charlie
Word Count: 304
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, danm.
Warning(s): Incest, Sex, Oral
Draco licked the cock in front of him. He loved being his Master’s slut.
Charlie smiled. He pushed Draco into Lucius’ cock.
“Suck his cock. Make it all wet for your ass.” Charlie said, laughing.
“Yes, make it wet. Charlie, prepare him for me.”
“Delighted.” Draco groaned around his Father’s cock as Charlie’s tongue licked his opening. Fuck, Charlie is opening me up with his tongue. Draco opened and closed his fists. His hands were free, but he didn’t have permission to move them. God he wanted it to end. To have someone taking him hard and fast. He didn’t care, just someone. He moaned more around the cock.
“Enough, Charlie, I think he is ready,” Lucius said. Charlie helped Draco up.
“Slowly,” Lucius instructed. Draco slowly sat down on his Father‘s cock.
“Oh fuck.” Lucius pushed up inside Draco.
“Yes, Daddy, fuck me please.” Charlie chuckled.
“Yes, indulge our little slut,” he said.
“Suck him,” Lucius ordered, his hips moving.
“Yes please, anything,” Draco whimpered. Charlie dropped to his knees. Stroking Draco’s thighs, he licked up Draco’s cock. Draco screamed out.
“Yes, little dragon scream your pleasure,” Charlie said as he swallowed Draco’s cock. Draco whimpered nonsense over and over. Lucius laughed and smiled.
“You like this don‘t you?” He whispered in to his son’s ear. “Your Father fucking your little hole, while your husband is down on his knees, sucking you.”
“Yes, Daddy. Please fuck me hard.”
Draco whimpered slightly.
“It is all our fault, Draco,” Charlie said, as he healed his opening. Lucius had his arms crossed.
“You should have told us you were not prepared enough.” Draco pouted.
“It was fine when it happened. Lust was clouding my head.” He bit his lip as Charlie finished.
“I think he needs a punishment, don‘t you Lucy?” Lucius smiled evilly.