Title: Family Dinner
Word Count: 109
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #125: Cooking Mishaps
Characters: Remus/Severus
“Oh, shit.” Remus jumped over Jamie, their dog and threw open the oven door.
Severus sat back laughing. He loved when Remus cooked, it was like watching a citrus act.
“You should have started cooking earlier.” Severus comment.
“You could help.” Remus said, his big belly not helping. Sirius and Draco were coming over.
“Naw this is much more fun.” Severus laughed. Remus carried the roast over to the table. Jamie jumped up smelling the delicious meat. Jamie knocked into Remus. The Roast went flying on to the floor. Remus started to bawl.
“It’s all ruined.” He sobbed. Severus pulled Remus into his lap, kissing his head, comforting him.