I can't sleep? I really can't.

Sep 23, 2006 08:29

Oh my God. I could cry right now I am so overjoyed. Why? October 30th this comes out:

They really should have made an anime out of Seiken Densetsu, but a sequel is by far more than I could ever ask for. No wait, I could ask for it. It is my favourite RPG ever, after all. Nice to see the dudbears among other characters back. I haven't been this excited about a game release for a looong time.

I.. I can't wait to see the cut scenes.. ;_; They look so GOOD!

I smell cosplaaay!

Sorry for the pic spam~ ^^; I'm just.. really excited, obviously. Luckily getting a DS wont put me in the hole too much. Oh awesome, a matching skin. I'm flailing my arms right now if you want a visual. It's quite scary.
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