Pics worth sharing!!
I'm soooo sorry! I've been busy with school and other stuff...
and so it began...
Pocher und Borowski...
no pics of Merte arriving... there's a video though... I'll share it later on!!
My partners in Crime!! thank you girls 4 everything! I had an awesome time!!
"Clemens always good looking Fritz "
the future father of my kids... no, not Pocher... MERTESACKER! lol*
I took a few pics of Timo and he always has this panic xpression n his face... but he's so lovely around Per...
he was talking to someone with signals... it was so funny
warming up!
29 und 29 B... I thought this was really cute... cheesy but cute
at the end the pokal was won by the Mertesacker & friends team... Per started to sign stuff for fans on the other side of the stadium... I thought he wasn't gonna get to my side... but God loves me!!!
there were a few fans left... me among them, I saw he was taking the time to sign and take pics with the fans, so I decided it was now or never...
When it was my turn, he started signing my Program, I asked him in English if I could have a pic with him... he stopped signing for a moment to look at me, probably cause my I was wearing my Mexican Jacket, he was intrigued now...
he smiled and said "Sure"... then I panicked, cause there was no one left to take the picture... plus my German is very limited, so he took the camera and ask one of the girls there if she could take the pic for us... she was nice enough to take it, I said "gracias" and he laughed again... he nodded, not really knowing the answer to that one, he did say something, but I didn't understand what, he signed 2 more autographs and off he went to the VIP party... even though I don't love how I look in the pic that was one of the greatest moments of my trip to Germany!!!
here's my personal favorite... danke MErte!
he looks happy too...
I finally did it!!!
the huge post with lots of pics !!!
I don't care if u take the pics... just leave a comment, cause I love comments!!
much Mexican Liebe!