Where did June go?
I can't believe it is July already!!
It sure doesn't feel like it. I still have to plant flowers on the porch (note to self, do this tomorrow).
Had a super fun visit with the stouttwins! What a wonderful treat they are :)
Still emotionally struggling with how to manage dementia (and other health and family issues) with Dave's mom. Our apologies if you have wanted to get together and we couldn't make it. Getting things done for ourselves and now for another person (plus the business) makes a full day of missions and tires us out (not to mention tries my patience some days - you don't want to see me on those!). BUT be patient with us, we are steps closer to better healthcare services and some hopeful free time soon. Things are in motion!
Am counting down the days until the Shag Haunted Mansion event in Aug at Disneyland -
here's a peek at some of the merch! We need a vacation - it cannot come soon enough.
Hope to see you all out and about this weekend :)