Are you ever excited to wake up and go to work?
I see these people in movies and shows who wake up and do what they love all day. How do you figure out what it is that you love? How do you figure out how to get paid for it?
In the mean time, work is a means to an end. The end being San Francisco hopefully in the spring, family reunion this summer, and (fingers crossed) South Korea with J before her contract is up next year. San Francisco will always be there, but there and family reunion will probably wind up being pretty cheap so I could hopefully manage either way. South Korea, though, will only be so feasible while I have an invitation for a couch to crash on... I hope this roommate bullshit settles better than we think it will so I can save for this stuff. It's not like my family won't always be where they are if that's how it ends up being, but. It would maybe make waking up and going to my mind-numbingly boring job a little less horrible if I have something tangible and awesome to work toward. Basic financial security, how droll. I have a whole week of vacation I need to use before I lose it next...whenever that rolls over. I should find this out soon.
I'm still not on the internet. Shhhhhhhh.
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