I post my BBB tomorrow. Very nervous. I don't think I am going to participate next year, or maybe if I do I will actually mean it when I say I'm not going to turn it in unless I'm happy with it by the time first drafts are due. I'll post a link up here to it when I do, if anyone who still reads this journal is interested in 51,000 words of a bandom Western.
Walked to the grocery store because god forbid anyone take a ten minute break between WoW campaigns to give me a ride I wanted to fill that prescription and also get some actual food.
Wound up stopping along the way and discovering that macro zoom is a very awesome setting. There was a moth that stuck around for a good few minutes posing for me, and a couple other bugs that looked kind of nifty. I have a thing about bugs, so I was torn between 'omg ew bugs' and 'omg cool look at its antennae!"
It started because I was taking pictures of this puff ball. I want to know what it is--it's not a dandelion gone to seed, it's a little bigger than the head of a Drumstick. Like if a Drumstick had a perfectly round mushroom top instead of the a-line top it actually has. Pretty sure it's a weed because that's all that grows along the side of the road. It looks damn cool though.
Then I discovered macro zoom. You guys, my camera has awesome settings. I am so fucking glad I bought it. &camera;
I really liked the texture of it.
Then I discovered a creepy crawly bug on the puffy bits!
I'm always amazed at how insignificant bugs are to flowers (and weeds). It was twisting and churning every which way, pissed off about me shoving a camera in its face I assume, and the puff ball didn't even quiver.
This guy was trying to play dead when it saw me move, but I wasn't so easily put off. In person all I saw was the hump of its back--I assumed it was a baby snail or something. Obviously that is not the case. Look at its leg segments! My camera is fucking awesome. That flower was seriously the size of a dime.
This is the really awesome part though:
This moth landed on the flower--or weed, whatever, it's one of those clusters of small flowers that's barely the size of a quarter? This moth landed and was so blase about posing for me. He let me get really close before I pissed him off enough to make him take off.
Okay honestly I have no idea if it's actually a moth, that's just what I'm going to call it.
The little sucker thing looks like a ribbon! WTF?!
Discovery Channel has the catchphrase right: The world is just awesome.
Some other bugs kept flying into me and hanging out on my grocery bag. So disgusted, but determined to keep taking pictures. Why aren't birds ever so cooperative? It makes me want to go back to my old campus where the squirrels are so not bothered by humans and let you get insanely close.
Now. Finishing edits. I think I need to not read any more fic until after I post, because I'm probably going to psych myself out >>.>>
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