Okay, so I initially hated that Justin was crushing on his sister, but I absolutely loved that he was freaked out and disgusted by himself. That kind of incest I can tolerate. Especially because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN because he was completely devastated that she lied to him! Yay for sticking to the high ground and not making out with her because you found out you don't share DNA! I mean. How would you react? And OMG poor Justin, I hate it when you hurt!
Also, Saul! God, poor Saul. Poor, suicidal, wasted-his-life Saul. My god he's made a mess of things.
Also, OMG I FLAILED AND SCREAMED WHEN KEVIN PROPOSED! I don't care if I'm pushing heteronormative values on a gay couple, I am so freaking happy that they're making it official! My ovaries wibbled along with the speech.
I'm just waiting for Holly to screw over the family company because she's pissed at them, but I really hope she doesn't.
Uh. I think I may or may not have a problem.
See, every time I come near finals week, I decide to take on a big project to distract myself. Last time, it was an afghan. An afghan that turned out awesome and was for a good reason, but it didn't need to be done right then per se.
This time, since I'm broke and may be broke for the rest of my life, $21 is just too rich.
This time, I created the community I've been talking about since forever.
fiction_stadium. See, one day awhile ago after watching too much Iron Chef America (for, woe, Food Network no longer plays the loltastic original) I was telling Chrissy that it would make an awesome style for a fanfiction tournament. And then I found out that someone else already came up with that idea over at
iron_author, but in a format that wasn't exactly the format I had in mind. And also, it's dead.
So, at
fiction_stadium, I totally intend to pit two authors against each other, writing the same fandom for each course with a common ingredient and word count. Then there will be voting.
Okay, so I haven't thought the whole thing out. And, I know, I know, not everyone shares in the let's-start-unnecessary-projects-during-finals-week thing with me. But. Well. I made the comm and I intend to make all of you do battle for my amusement. I am Teh Chairman and/or Teh Chairman Jr.
Also, is Chairman Jr. actually the nephew of the original Chairman? Because I found out he did a movie once and my suspicion was piqued. That's one of the big jokes of the series that I missed, isn't it?
I love Iron Chef. Thank god they're beating it to death with an American version. I don't know what I would do without it!