1. My username is ______ because ______.
counterfeitcoin because when I made this journal on October 18, 2003 I had a brilliant plan stemming for a Hey Arnold! ep I watched (shut up) with a counterfeit penny operation. I decided I was totally going to make fake pennies and cash them in at a CoinStar machine. Then I took Chemistry and found out that copper is worth more than pennies and decided that it was pretty stupid. But I suck at coming up with names, so I just stick with it. And anyways, it's not like anyone else is going to come up with something similarly stupid remotely similar, so I figure it's unique. Heh.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
My name is Kate Shelby because Kate is kind of like my first name and Shelby is my dog. But it sounds like it could be a real name. I like it. My LJ name is Well-behaved women don't DESERVE to make history! because, well, they don't. My actual name is my actual name because the neighbors before I was born ran an in-home day care and it was the name of a girl in a tree. Mom liked it, and it sounded like my grandmother's name, so she went with it.
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
Once upon a time in a land kind of near by
Where girls kicked ass and took a whole lot of names
Because it seemed like a good idea at the time?
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
Acquired Dreamers (whoops, acquired has a c in it? Fixing that right now) because I liked it. I think I'm going to write a novel called that. It's one way to look at friendship, right?
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
It's Jack who is I believe about to get radiation poisoning and die again?
dragonessasmith made it, and besides really loving her icons, I love the coloring of it and I love that it reminds me of that scene in The Shining where be busts out of the freezer and says, "Heeeeere's Johnny!"
In other news, I do not want to go to work tonight. Surprise surprise. But I will be able to covertly oogle teh pretty tonight and hopefully the people who actually know how to close will be there tonight.