I really needed to laugh today. So I looked at
top_gear_macros and
ihasatardis. And then
dragonessasmith showed me the worst homoerotic book cover ever, and I decided to make some macros too. *koff* Made with
This is the really bad cover. Many jokes abounded.
I couldn't stop there.
The portrait was the second thing I noticed.
dragonessasmith was
quite cleaver with the Breakfast Club reference.
And since Torchwood is so quality, I had to get some screencaps from
The Institute.
I love Gwen's face in this one.
I was tagged by
ignazwisdom 1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever to do it.
1. I'm afraid of the dark. It's not that I'm afraid of the boogie man, it's that I'm afraid of the humans. See, I figure that if someone sees the light or the TV on at three in the morning, they'd be less likely to try and break in. I got really bad about this freshman year in the dorm, when my roommate had a boyfriend and partied. Some nights I would wake up so freaked out that I had to turn on the lights and the TV and sleep on the floor. But I didn't have this problem when my roommate was there. I think it's because I felt reassured that if someone broke in and killed me, they'd probably kill her too.
2. And also, the two years I had roommates I made sure to get there before they did on move in day so I could pick the side of the room farthest from the door and therefore least likely to be the bed attacked first. If someone tried to kill her, she would scream and I would have warning, so I could get out my dad's hammer and defend myself.
3. Once a pairing becomes canon I lose interest. Unless it's Crichton/Aeryn, in which case YAY CANON!
4. The entire universe may think less of me for it, but sitcoms and family movies make me laugh. See, I just love laughing in general, so I am not above finding pratfalls and obvious jokes really funny. The stupidest thing gets me giggling like a moron. I think this is a really great quality. How unhappy can someone be when an episode of Reba cracks her up?
5. X-Files scares me. It has since I was a kid. See, I would wake up in the middle of the night and either I had fallen asleep with it on or I would turn it on and it would give me the heebie jeebies. Still does. I'm watching it right now and it's creeping me out. This is a shame, because it sounds like it has absolutely everything I love in a show and a fandom. If I hadn't watched it at night when I was young I would probably love it. I'm putting it on safe, non-threatening Bargain Hunt now.
6. Erm. I'm trying to teach myself to draw so I can draw Jack and Ianto fucking. I'm beginning to lose faith in my abilities to do anything. Does that count for a habit, quirk, or fact?
7. Horses scare me. They're big, loud, and ugly. Which may be why I'm so obsessed with low fantasy/urban fantasy now. (Srsly, have you ever read high fantasy without horses?)
I tag