Woeth me. I am an idiot.

Apr 03, 2006 12:13

First off, I hate Mozilla. It doesn't open new links, like AIM Today, in new windows like, say,

So the night before last, daylight savings fucked me up and I didn't end up going to bed until 4 AM. I woke up early, considering, took a nap, woke up that time and walked into the kitchen to cry on Mom's shoulder because I had a migraine. And my prescription was in Minneapolis. So then I took more ibuporfen than I should've, went back to sleep, woke up in pain again but by that time Mom had gone and gotten me a new packet. I took that, went to back to sleep, woke up hungry, lounged with the dog, and it was 10 by the time I got down to the computer to work on that huge fiction portfolio due at 1:25 Monday. But no, I didn't do that right away. I read Batman/Flash porn. So I ended up staying up until 5 AM to get my homework done on a day I had to get up at 7 to make the bus back to school.

HOWEVER. Had I checked my email around 2:30 AM, I would've discovered that creative writing was canceled, so I really only had to type up 1-1/4 pages.

I am so fucking stupid.

But, you know. I wrote the story at that nice hour where I'm not cencoring myself or bouncing around doing other things, I am my fingers and my thoughts. That's my favorite way to write. If it wasn't so costly, I would do it more often.

So, yeah. I'm going to get lunch with Jamie and pass out for a very, very long time. And then I might watch Beverly Hills, 90210. Because I <3 Luke Perry and. That guy who plays Brandon. They should have sex.

Maybe I'll read a little more of that Flash/Bats fic, first. YOU ARE AN ADDICTION! I AM AN ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY AROUND YOU, PR0N!

school, college, sleep, life

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