There are benefits to having Americans in the family tree, I must say. ;D This year's haul was pretty spectacular. My cousins' package arrived just in the nick of time, it looks like. Overseas shipping is such a hassle sometimes but their presents made it in the nick of time. Looks like what I sent out made it in one piece, too
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Yeah, that'd be great. Mom's been so weird about stuff lately but it's not like she could know or anything, but if she talks to your mom I don't think there'd be any problem. Hope it won't have to wait til after New Years.
Would you really go to Greece over the summer? What about the team?
[ooc: strike deleted, small's screened.]
I hope so, too. I really miss you. :/
Probably not the full break but I'd go for a couple of weeks, at least. I haven't been on a vacation with my parents in years and I'd like to have one last chance to do so before graduation since that summer's already been reserved.
Not like I'm dead. We'll manage.
Geez, when I go on vacations with my family it's usually just to Hokkaido for ski trips. Think I only left the country once and I don't even remember that. But I guess that's cool, you'll have fun.
What's going on that summer?
My bed's so cold and big without you. :/ But yeah, I know we will. I'm just feeling whiny. :)
Hmm, well~ I can always ask my parents when the time comes if you can tag along. ;)
Dunno yet for sure but I wanna be here before we all scatter to the winds.
I know -- so's mine. Spoiled ourselves, huh?
To Greece? Holy shit, Haginosuke...
Yeah. Especially when we don't know where we're scattering.
[ooc: strike's just a strike.]
Yes. ;_; If they're feeling guilty enough, they might go for it~
Still quite a way's off, thankfully.
Wow. Guess I should start being good now.
No shit. Sometimes it seems like it's just around the corner. ... god, I don't want to take exams for uni.
[ooc: both strikes!]
You're warm and your sleep talking is cute. ;_; I like it when you're naughty though. ;)
Yeah, it really does some days. Any idea where you wanna go?
Also, about the rest of what you said up there. Don't tell anyone else I'm cute (they won't believe you), naughty is fun, and I don't know where I want to go yet because it's a fucking eon away. Do you know?
Want me to tell people you're naughty instead? ♥
Not sure yet but I'm thinking someplace abroad, either in the UK or the US. Maybe France or Italy if I'm feeling really adventurous.
[OOC: He doesn't speak a word of French or Italian. XD;]
You better not. I could tell them shit about you, too. But I won't. If you're ... something.
Oh. You'd really leave Japan, huh...
[ooc: I think Ryou's too surprised to notice...]
I'm something now~? ♥
Yeah, I would. I passed up on an exchange once and regretted losing the experience so I want to try it next year, maybe go to Hawaii since I have family there and I'd like to be closer to them. But that's over a year away, Ryou, and I'm here now. With you.
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