Jun 15, 2005 18:39
I really just want my iPod right now. Before graduation my parents asked me what I wanted for my graduation present and I said and iPod. My mom made it seem that I WOULD be getting one, but to date there is no iPod. I got enough money from my realitives to go buy my own iPod, but my brothers told me not to, becuase I guess my mom still wants to get me one, but my dad dosn't or some shit. I am getting tired of fucking waiting for an iPod. My dad is saying that my new computer for college (which I will be getting the end of september) will be my graduation present. But, I know that when I get it he will say its my birthday present (sept. 30th). The thing that really bothers me is that I havn't gotten ANYTHING from them, not even a card. Its like that have just forgotten about my graduation. Then I hate myself for feeling selfish, like I am entitled to get something for graduation. I wish they would just get me something, or SAY they arn't getting me the iPod that way I can go out and buy mine. I just know that even if they are planing on not getting me an iPod that if I went and bought it with my own money they would get all pissy and be like "We were going to go get that for you tomorrow...". Even though they had no plans on actually doing it. Right now I would be happy for a card and maybe a book, that way I could go and get what I really wanted and not have to worry that they are going to yell at me for getting what I wanted. I am just tired of waiting. Wow, I am impatiant. My mom works across the street from Adren Fair mall, she frequantly goes there on her lunch break, its not like its all that out of the way for her to go to the apple store, but oh well. I guess they are just to busy and tired in their own lives that revolve around work or my brother to do anything for me.
I am a self-pittying, whiny bitch. I really hate this side of me. I should feel grateful that I got stuff for graduation from other people, there are some kids who didn't get ANYTHING from ANYONE for graduation. Why should I be entitled to have something?
I hate myself for being slightly better off the most people. Even though I am not really spoiled or anything, just not really having to worry how to pay for college, or not having to HAVE a job through high school makes me feel like I have been given advantages that other arn't. I feel bad for this. I feel bad that I got a car for my 16th birthday, most people have to work and pay for their own car. I feel bad that even though I want a job this summer I don't NEED a job. I feel bad that even though I got enough money to buy myself an iPod I am whining about my parents not buying me one. I feel bad that my family can reasonably afford an iPod. There are sooo many people who get along w/ sooooooo much less then me, and then I complain that I didn't get some fancy toy. I guess I should just be happy that my parents are paying for most of my college.
I am a greedy, rich (somewhat), little white girl. I should never complain. I don't deserve to complain.