where in the world is obi-wan kenobi?
☄General Settings
These are the places that can be found on every planet.
Cantina - For all of your drinking needs! But more than that, the cantina is a large social hub, oftentimes having a few pazaak players present, betting, great music, dancing girls, and bounties posted.
Swoop Track - Where all the swoop bike
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Pazaak Den - The Pazaak Den is exclusive, open for only the best pazaak players around, and is usually invite-only. Usually. Entrance can of course be bought.
Bounty Hunter Cantinas - The best place to score a bounty, Nar Shaddaa, hosts several bounty hunter only cantinas. The most prominent are The Meltdown, The Orange Lady, The Slag Pit, and The Burning Deck.
Jekk Jekk Tar Cantina - a unique point of interest, the Jekk Jekk Tar is a cantina for non-humanoids only. The very air is toxic to anyone needing oxygen.
Refugee Sector - home to refugees of the Mandalorian Wars as well as the new refugees emerging from Telos's destruction, the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa is anything but pleasant. Constructed out of cargo boxes and empty shipping containers, the refugees are harrassed and bullied by Serroco thugs and other gang members. They are ill treated, and rarely have enough money for medical supplies or decent food.
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