Dec 30, 2005 22:29
Ironically I've feel sympathy with that song lyric. It says to me that one person wishes to show affection but is unsure how and all other ways have failed. Which leads this person to believe that the only way to do so is to perform some ultimate act of devine power...which as we all know is impossible. Do we push the ones we love to perform such miricles? Maybe we do. Maybe we do so without knowing what we are doing. There's a slight chance that what you're thinking is a simple change of pace or even a trip somewhere unknown could in fact be that impossible thing that person cannot do. To slay a dragon would be most appreciated, but when the monster is gone how then will the people show affection? Simple acts of kindness? Why would they work now if they didn't before? And what of the timid person, the one who's not your savior, just a man who's circumstances went beyond his control? The one who mentally will not back down and give in to another's push, what happens to this person when the blame is squarely on them? How do they cope when they start to believe that maybe it was them in some way that caused themselves to lose what they sought after the most. Suicide is the most likely route these gents take. They guilt themselves to it and because they couldn't save that one person they feel they've no reason to go on and it seems it's true. The story kept going, only with the bad result and yet the story was far from over so they decide that instead of drawing out the morbid end of letting another down, or preferably, but highly unlikely in their mindset, the saving of another further down the line. We set our boundries and from then on expect them to be respected. When they are put to the test is when second thoughts are formed. If you can pull through the trial of limits and expectations is that the end? Probably not, if they are tested once they will be tested again. And again. Perhaps I have myself done a few things wrong, I know of one act that I was unable to perform and for that I am truly sorry. I expected nothing good to come of it and knew it was over from that moment on. And just like that time I know this entry won't solve anything, all it does is give me a little release. Am I a bad person? That's to be seen, for now I'd like to think that I was just not ready to slay my dragon. I'm sorry I couldn't walk on water for you.