May 03, 2005 21:09
First off, With Teeth was worth the wait. Every track is worth listening to more than once. Usually when they say the songs that are on the cd with a sticker on the front I usually skip them after the first listen but for this one they are probably my favorites. The Hand that Feeds is great, I mean it's the single so it had to be good. It's whole pop/anti message is great...I've always liked that way he incorporates two different ideas that lead toward the same goal. Like in the last album with the two songs the Wretched and We're in this Together. Anyway, Everyday is Exactly the Same might be my all time favorite on this album. Only is a great angst song...not that great emotionally but what it lacks in originality it more than makes up for with great tunes. I can't get in depth because then I'm altering your own opinions on topics that should be experienced right now, go out and buy it. What? You don't have the 12 bucks to get it? You're a liar. Do it bastards.