Out popped these whoppas

Sep 28, 2004 12:35

Whoever writes the headlines for my local newspaper (The Palo Alto Daily News) only knows two words: "Blast" and "Probe." Everything that happens in the news can be described in one of those two terms. I'm waiting for the day when someone blows up a Ford dealership and then the police investigate it but they only suspect Jewish people, which raises the ire of the community. The headline could say "PROBE BLAST PROBE BLASTED." And then the next day the Jewish community goes too far with their complaints and the FBI has to come in and investigate. That headline would be "PROBE BLAST PROBE BLAST PROBED." And it goes on from there.

goldenmoonbear and I are back on our shameful Disney Part II's kick again. You know, the straight to video cartoon sequels with plots that make no sense, cheap animation and songs that you can't believe they actually paid two people to write? We made up a game called "Guess The Peabo", in which you try to figure out which song is going to end up being Peabo-fied (redone in cheesy smooth r and b fashion) over the end credits. If a song has a good chance of being the one, you say that it has "Peabo-tential." (goldenmoonbear's word, not mine.) The Little Mermaid Part II fooled us though. Instead of one of the songs from the movie being used as the Peabo, they re-Peabofied a song from the first Little Mermaid movie. I really don't think that's fair, but I'll give them a break since they didn't invent Peabo-fying until 1991.

disney part 2, peabo, blast probe

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