All the earmarks of a dirty crack

Aug 27, 2004 10:11

We took the parents to the silent movies to meet Brad Johnson the other night. He forced them to drink a free Coke. Did you know that my mom singlehandedly brought the internet to Africa? I took them to the airport yesterday and I trust that they're safely home by now. Too bad they couldn't stay longer.

goldenmoonbear thought she lost her cell phone somewhere near the Mountain View train station while boarding a train to meet me in Palo Alto. We went back to the station, searched all over the entire town and couldn't find it. Lo and behold, when we got home and checked the messages on our home phone there was one from a guy claiming to have the cell phone. Apparently he looked up "home" in the list of numbers and called it. Did he call any of the rest of you looking for us? Anyway, he said he lived in Sacramento and wouldn't be in Mountain View again for a long time, but if we wanted the phone we could meet him at the Baypointe station at 7 pm. "How will I recognize you?" "Just call me when you get near Baypointe." "I can't, you have my cellphone." "OK, there's a little house at the end of the station, I'll be sitting on a bench." It was about 6:30 at the time, and Baypointe is over 1/2 hour away so we left immediately. We arrived at 7:20, didn't see the guy on the bench by the little house, figured we were too late and he had gone back to Sacramento, accused other people of being "the guy that found our phone" (we never got the real guy's name), waited about 15 more minutes to see if anything would happen, then got on the train and went right back to Mountain View.

Once again when we got home there was a message from the guy saying that he was stuck in traffic and couldn't get to Baypointe until 7:40, which is about 5 minutes after we left. Of course there was no way for us to know this without the cell phone.

He left it with the security guard at Baypointe Station and we're supposed to go back there again to pick it up tonight. I wish he would have just left it with the guards at the Mountain View station, but no, that would preclude any hilarious wild goose chases.

parents, old time movies, brad, lost cell phone, vta

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