April is Macadamia Month

Mar 29, 2004 10:13

First the announcements:

Next Sunday, April 4th at 8 pm I'll be playing with Chris von Sneidern at the Rite Spot Cafe in San Francisco. It's at Folsom and 17th and admission is absolutely free.

Also, tonight CvS is doing a solo set at the Make Out Room. I won't be there.

And then the

Again we saw 3 movies, 2 free old timies, thanks to bradjohnson, and the European hit "Goodbye Lenin" that's just now opening in the US. I'd say it's my second favorite movie of the year so far, right behind "The Same River Twice".

On a whim we went to see the Palo Alto Children's Theater's production of "School House Rock". Not bad. There's always the one kid who thinks they are a really great singer though, and they do all kinds of bad American Idol stuff to try to impress everyone. You know what I mean.

My calendar said that Saturday was the night we set the clocks ahead, and I believed it until sometime on Sunday when I realized that the calendar was from Europe and American daylight savings time doesn't start until next week.

The "Mexican Wine" video is really, really bad.

brad, vcs

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